LIGHTNING AUTOFILL VERSION HISTORY ================================================================================ 13.7.10 - Added "Reveal password" option - Added support for about:blank iframes (🙏 @turbowells @Aktrading) - Added link to re-activation instructions - Added BETA branch for test releases - Improved cloud sync permissions notification - Improved SCRAPE to be able to extract text from form fields - Fixed cloud sync bug with switching Google accounts - Fixed sync dialog showing after connection error - Fixed issues when syncing for the first time - Fixed issue syncing new profile - Fixed active spreadsheet sometimes not selected - Fixed issue syncing large data sets (🙏 Markus) - Fixed cross-origin JavaScript error - Fixed incorrect help text on case sensitivity 13.3.0 - Changed Name matching to be case insensitive by default - Improved News spacing when loading older content - Fixed empty News tab beginning of new year 13.2.0 - Added support for variables inside action rules - Improved profile and rule tooltips - Fixed some regex not migrated to new syntax - Fixed regression: some variables broke - Fixed site filter not saved by infobar in some cases - Fixed issue with autocomplete dropdowns - Fixed variable bugs when using negative numbers 13.0.0 - Added actions - Added `{a}` and `{A}` alphabetic variables - Added `{%}` hexadecimal variable - Added `{#n-n}` number range variable - Added support for variables in Checkbox/Radio rules - Added help docs in side panel - Added "Review changes" option - Added initial cloud sync dialog - Added "Sync to Sheets" button - Added bulk rename ability in Manage Profiles - Added Manage Profiles button - Added ability to directly sync to a new spreadsheet - Disabled "Parse labels" by default and moved to Experimental - Improved styles for disabled elements - Improved checkbox rules generation - Improved autofilling aria-autocomplete text inputs - Improved hints in Options / Settings tab - Improved developer mode popup - Improved debug mode logging style - Improved cloud sync security - Optimized saving and states via a queuing pipeline - Refactored code across the board for better efficiency - Renamed Restore button to "Sync from Sheets" - Updated default matching syntax to plain text - Updated comment syntax from `/* ... */` to `# ...` - Updated Rules / Profile ID column to Profile in Sheets - Fixed stale extension resulting in JavaScript error - Fixed code editor losing focus regression issue - Fixed JavaScript rules not executed in some cases - Fixed JavaScript error in service worker - Fixed some forms not autofilled completely - Fixed rules generator regression issues - Fixed Google Forms dropdown autofill regression - Fixed "no tab with id" errors - Fixed error related to back/forward cache - Fixed regression allowing empty rules to be saved - Fixed regression bug in table row drag & drog - Fixed variables in text clips not working in some fields - Fixed text clip insertion issue - Fixed bi-directional sync issues - Fixed extension icon stuck on "!" badge - Fixed Options not always refreshed on focus after sync - Fixed stuck on "Create new file on next save" - Fixed subscription deactivation issues - Fixed free quota not reset daily in some cases - Fixed some options not synced to infobar - Fixed page reload required after changing JavaScript rule - Fixed extra separator in extension menu (Firefox) - Fixed getScripts() error in some cases (Firefox) - Fixed regression issues with cloud sync - Fixed changes not synced to Google Sheets in some cases - Fixed incorrect button states in some cases - Fixed profile renaming issue - Fixed regex match regression issue - Fixed issue with changing profiles - Fixed broken Microsoft Office Forms detection - Fixed focusing issue with code editor 12.16.2 - Improved importing duplicate profile IDs - Removed unused localized strings - Fixed regression issue with default site filter 12.16.0 - Added support for reCAPTCHA challenges - Added support for aria-autocomplete text inputs - Added "Themes" option - Improved rules generator with "Parse labels" enabled - Improved autofill for checkout payment forms - Improved Options styling - Updated "Site filters" option behavior - Fixed search box layout regression issue 12.15.0 - Added support for {@variable_name} in text clips - Added text expansion ability (experimental) - Added timestamp to default export CSV filename - Improved label parsing in rules generator - Removed optional "downloads" permission - Fixed settings not synced to local pages (file:///) - Fixed JavaScript errors in Options (Firefox) - Fixed context menu missing after browser restart (Firefox) - Fixed backend issue where some subscriptions invalidated - Fixed Google account disconnection issue in Chrome 12.14.2 - Improved moving rows via Alt + Up/Down combination - Fixed regression with Save button state - Fixed JavaScript errors on stale extension - Fixed long profile names breaking Profiles dropdown 12.14.0 - Added ability to export selected profiles - Added warnings for unescaped regex in Name & Site - Added option to suppress regex warnings - Added support for XPath to match form fields - Improved regex validation in Form Fields tab - Increased profile name character limit to 120 - Fixed button states in Manage Profiles - Fixed badge count JavaScript error in some cases - Fixed Save button not enabled after editing 12.12.5 - Improved profile list to show hidden count - Fixed profile name longer than button in "All" - Fixed negative rule count in Unfiled profile - Fixed issue with "Back up text fields" option - Fixed regression with updating rules via wizard - Fixed profile expiration bug 12.12.0 - Added "Profile expiration" option (experimental) - Added "Turbo mode" option - Improved "Execute profile" context menu - Improved News tab formatting - Fixed page jumps when autofilling regression 12.11.0 - Added bi-directional cloud sync (experimental) - Added option to group profiles by category - Added Terms of Use footer link - Improved "Failed to fetch" error message - Improved active profile display in context menu - Increased status snackbar width - Fixed infobar not working in some cases - Fixed regression issues in Manage Profiles - Fixed All and Unfiled menus incorrectly grouped - Fixed plan info missing in icon tooltip - Fixed toggling Debug also toggles Delay slider - Fixed broken Debug mode regression 12.9.0 - Added option to group items in "Execute profile" - Added "Parse labels" option - Added support for variables in MV3 JS rules - Fixed incorrect infobar upgrade text - Fixed incorrect autofill count badge - Fixed duplicate name when duplicating profile - Fixed missing Site when duplicating profile - Fixed move rule regression issue - Fixed buggy profile execution counting - Fixed text field autofill infinite loop bug - Fixed text clip insertion issue - Improved JS rules error handling 12.7.0 - Added developer mode popup option - Added support for latest Google Forms - Added support for latest Microsoft Office Forms - Added invoice number masking - Added HTML5 form validation for invoice number - Added unsaved changes alert when reloading rules - Clarified upgrade message in infobar - Fixed profiles saved to Unfiled regression - Fixed autofill regression with long delay times - Fixed "downloads" permission request issue - Fixed Save disabled if importing from new URL - Fixed Type dropdown issue in last row (Edge) - Improved typing simulation code - Optimized autofilling routines 12.5.3 - Fixed password field regression issue 12.5.2 - Fixed an autofill regression issue in v12.5.0 12.5.0 - Redesigned Google Sheets section - Redesigned rules table using faster CSS grid - Added "Remote Import" heading - Fixed OAuth edge case bug - Fixed broken infobar in right-to-left languages - Fixed more rules generator freezing issues - Fixed a build script issue - Fixed lost rules on save regression bug - Fixed duplicate save & cloud sync bug - Fixed dragging row not auto-scrolling (fluid) - Improved status snackbar style - Improved flexbox CSS - Improved password masking - Improved backend infrastructure - Made "downloads" permission optional - Merged autofill and wizard modules - Modernized module imports - Refactored build scripts - Removed unused strings - Removed localization 12.3.0 - Added check for proper permissions for cloud sync - Cleaned up and refactored code from MV3 migration - Fixed "no tab id" error in some cases - Fixed various autofill regression issues - Fixed rules generator issue with autocomplete - Improved JavaScript rules to execute in iframes 12.2.3 - Fixed some profile executions double counting - Fixed negative daily quota in icon tooltip - Fixed critical content script regression issue 12.2.0 - Changed Free daily quota to 10 profile executions - Added client-side invoice number validation - Fixed imported rules incorrectly saved to Unfiled - Fixed importing big data freezing (10k rules) - Fixed rules generator creating unnecessary rules - Fixed rules generator freezing regression issue - Fixed regression with autofill delay slider - Fixed janky infobar slide-in animation - Fixed missing saved status regression - Fixed "execute profile" not working regression - Improved rules table rendering (even with 10k rules!) - Improved search code - Improved import speed significantly - Removed Autofill() (no longer works under MV3) 12.1.0 - Added friendly status message for 400 server error - Added option to toggle import/export text box - Changed wizard to always generate rules - Fixed autofill rules not executing in some cases - Fixed hotkey regression issues - Improved import/export text box (height is saved) - Rebuilt infobar in shadow DOM (no more CSS conflicts!) 12.0.10 - Converted some packages to module imports - Decreased randomized delay offset to ±0.25 seconds - Fixed infobar not 100% width on some sites - Fixed code editor error in some cases - Updated DOMPurify to v3.1.4 - Updated Marked to v12.0.2 12.0.6 - Fixed new profile using previous profile's site filter - Fixed regression: delay value not updated on slide 12.0.5 - Added mandatory developer mode notice (MV3 requirement) - Fixed various developer mode disabled issues 12.0.3 - Fixed Support and News tabs having no content in Edge - Fixed "No tab with id" error in some cases - Removed unused code from v11 12.0.0 - Migrated to Manifest V3 (MV3) extension platform - Implemented new subscription plans (Free, Plus, Pro) - Implemented MV3-compliant JavaScript rules & variables - Implemented cloud sync (manage data in Google Sheets) - Added quick start guide and freemium notice - Added field matching by `autocomplete` attribute - Added support for `srcdoc` inline iframes - Added keyboard shortcut to add new rule below - Added sample address profile - Added option to randomize delay (avoid bot detection) - Added option to toggle tooltips - Added ability to import/export directly to/from files - Added News flashing effect on new updates - Added "Load Older News" button to News tab - Added responsive design (good for Firefox Mobile) - Fixed content script issues whenever extension updates - Fixed search resetting button states - Fixed profile hotkeys sometimes not working - Fixed Edge dropdown menu premature closing bug - Fixed Firefox multiple profiles checked in context menu - Improved code editor - Improved settings storage (now saved to your profile) - Improved subscription verification process - Improved status snackbar component - Improved Markdown content processing - Moved "Execute All" hotkey to All profile - Optimized data saving code - Removed jQuery library (as well as `injectJquery()`) - Removed wizard's voice option - Removed "Auto-import from the URL" option - Renamed Other Stuff tab to Settings - Replaced social share with Autofill Stars - Updated icons & interface - Upgraded to DOMPurify v3.1.3 11.9.0 - Removed banner (making way for v12) - Removed debugging logs 11.8.5 - Removed experimental GA4 11.8.4 - Added experimental GA4 - Updated default options (sound disabled) 11.8.2 - Fixed unescaped HTML in changelog - Fixed text wrapping issue in Options 11.8.0 - Improved Portuguese translation (thanks Frederico Valério) - Removed "commands" permission - Fixed error related to fenced frames - Fixed issue generating some now require double quotes - Improved Form Fields row highlighting - Improved column header tooltip text and positioning - Improved Alt+D shortcut to allow continuous deletion - Improved button states in Manage Profiles dialog - Improved drag-and-drop rule reordering to autoscroll - Improved scalable rules table code - Improved attribute matching code - Improved simulation of user input when autofilling - Improved port communication code - Improved debugging output and error notification - Increased profile name character limit to 60 - Increased area for right-click context menu - Optimized event handling in Form Fields tab - Rearranged dialog buttons to be consistent - Reduced memory consumption for large Form Fields table - Removed hard-coded "use strict" from JavaScript rules - Removed regular expressions lookbehind hack (no longer required) - Removed backup profiles from context menu and Move Rule dialog - Removed `tabindex` greater than 0 (best practice) - Removed unused FAQ styles - Renamed Manage Profiles i18n button labels - Replaced fuzzy label matching with `for` attribute matching - Updated to latest standards-compliant flexbox CSS - Updated wizard to prioritize `id` over `name` attribute - Updated wizard to use `value` attribute for